Our focus
With its diverse team of experts, VP-Systems supports you in all phases of your IT project. We find an agile approach to design, implement and deploy their public or internal business application. To do this, we assemble small, specialized development teams to create customized solutions for their application purpose.
Our services range from deploying, extending and configuring standard software, hardware-related UI integration to developing database-driven admin applications or public web portals.
Our philosophy
- We believe in the Agile Manifesto and its twelve principles.
- We want to deliver useful software, and develop with the end user in mind.
- We recognize that each project is unique, and develop processes adapted to it for professional, respectful, trust-based, and commercially viable collaboration. In doing so, we are always learning.
- We recognize that each project is unique, and develop a technical architecture to fit the application. We choose our technologies because they are proven and practical, not because they are fashionable.
- We contribute with suggestions for achieving project goals. We are open to criticism of our activities.
- We always keep an eye on the sustainability of development. This includes writing programs that are simple, not easy, that can be learned by beginners, that are observable, and that are well documented and tested.

Reference Projects
Maintenance of QuBe Data Portal
The QuBe Data Portal presents the latest results of the BIBB-IAB qualification and occupational projections in tables and charts. Users can call up and differentiate various scenarios, such as the Economy 4.0 and electromobility scenarios, according to different criteria. A skilled labor indicator provides information on the skilled labor situation in an occupation. Users can customize the display, view and download data in various formats, and perform specific calculations and groupings. A search function allows users to find training occupations within specific occupational groups.
VP-Systeme has supported the Bundesintsitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) with the maintenance, further development and updating of the datasets.